
BerkswichCE Primary School

Achieve, Believe and Care

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Stay Connected

Welcome to our new School Video Log!


As a school, we understand the importance of keeping in touch and sharing our experiences with friends. Now, more than ever before, it is vital that we remain connected as a whole school community.


We hope that by sharing the goings on in school those of you at home can feel reassured that you are being thought of and remain an integral part of our school family.


This Video Log (Vlog) has been designed by the key worker children still attending school. They are very excited to share their day to day experiences with you and to provide you with a sense of what school life is like for them.


Share your experiences


Communication is a two-way street and we would love to see what you are all getting up to at home. We want to share in your experiences and know how you are spending your time. This could be anything from a new den you have built to learning a new skill, to creating a new dance or just how you like to enjoy some peace and quiet.


Here’s how you can get involved and stay connected!




Vlogger Girl and Super Safe-T Boy have a few pointers to help you on your vlogging journey...


  • To ensure we are able to share the maximum number of videos, please limit your video clip to no longer than 20 seconds.
  • Make sure your video is filmed in the landscape setting.
  • Speak a little louder than usual to avoid any pesky background noise interference!
  • Be mindful of your camera angles. Setting the camera up on a hard surface and testing the view first, to make sure what you want is in shot, is always good practice - you'll look like a pro!  


                  * using our internet safety skills in action!*


  • Remember, your video is being shared on the internet. Please make sure there is no personal information on show in the background (house number, letters with your address on, postcards on the fridge, etc.).
  • We would love to see you having fun in the sun or relaxing on the sofa reading a good book, but our safety knowledge tells us no swimwear or pyjamas.




Now you've got the know-how, you're ready to become a vlogger!


Send your short video clip to


Have fun filming!  We look forward to sharing in your experiences and perhaps gain some extra ideas too!
