
BerkswichCE Primary School

Achieve, Believe and Care

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Our Bespoke PE Curriculum

Planning in PE is structured systematically and this ensures that units are in line with our school approach of a concept-driven curriculum. Our curriculum design is based on evidence from cognitive science; four main principles underpin it:

  • Fundamental movement knowledge must be automatic and therefore practised at all ages.
  • Team games are introduced from Key Stage One but not too early to avoid unnecessary cognitive load.
  • Gymnastics, dance, athletics and outdoor adventures are taught throughout the children’s time at Berkswich.
  • Swimming in taught in Year Three to Year Six to give the children the life skill.


In addition to the four principles, we also understand that learning is invisible in the short term and that sustained mastery takes time. Our content is subject specific but draws on other subjects such as art and reading for inspirations in dance.


The games units are driven by the concept of resilience. This PE unit is also a vehicle for the children to learn to win and lose with dignity and show resilience and control when losing in an activity in order to improve practice further.
