Admissions to other
year groups
(In-Year Applications)
Please note that if you are applying for a September Reception place, you will need to return to the Reception Admission pages, since parents and carers must apply directly to the Local Authority for these places at Berkswich CE.
As outlined in our admissions policy, at Berkswich CE, we have a government-set class size limit of thirty children in Reception, Year One and Year Two. These classes can occasionally exceed thirty if the Local Authority has accepted pupils as ‘permitted exceptions’ which breach the government's class size pledge. Our Key Stage Two classes (Years Three, Four, Five and Six), have a class size limit of thirty.
If you would like to apply for a place in Year One to Year Six, then parents and carers are asked to submit an 'In-year Application' form supplied by Staffordshire County Council (click here). There is a section which must be completed by your child's current headteacher. The completed form must be submitted directly to Berkswich CE.
Following receipt of an application, school will notify the county of the application and its status; you will receive a letter from school stating whether or not a place can be offered within 10 school days or 15 school days at the latest. This letter will also outline the next steps in terms of preparing your child to start at Berkswich CE, if a place can be provided, or how to appeal the decision if a place is not offered.
Oversubscription to classes from Reception to Year six
For children not allocated a place, or for those who have been refused by the appeals panel, they may be added to a waiting list. If the total number of preferences for admission to a school does not exceed the school’s Published Admission Number (PAN), the Local Authority's order of priority is used to allocate the available places.
For more information
Please visit Staffordshire County Council's site for more information about the in-year application process. Click here to read our school admissions policy which contains the school's admissions information and criteria.