Berkswich Primary School prides itself on being a caring, kind school for children of all religions and all backgrounds.
Two of our core values are respect and inclusivity. Berkswich children embody these values entirely.
During the month of November, we celebrated 'Anti-bullying' week which was renamed; 'All Equal, All Different'.
Children were encouraged to wear odd socks, in celebration of this wonderful message.
What does 'All equal/All different mean to us?
The children at Berkswich have been discussing what this meant to them;
Here are some of the things they said:
'We wore odd socks because we are all equal, like socks, but we are different, like our socks were different colours or patterns.'- Codie and Emma Y2.
'Because it doesn’t if we’re different we are all treated equally and opinions are equal.'- Daisy Y4
'I enjoyed wearing the odd socks because it is fun to recognise a good message.' - Joe Y4
Check out these brilliant All Equal/Add Different videos!