
BerkswichCE Primary School

Achieve, Believe and Care

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Phonics and SATs Results

Performance Data


In accordance with government guidance, we have not published our 2021-2022 results on the website, as the Secretary of State will not publish this data. This is because statutory assessments returned for the first time since 2019, without adaptations, after disruption caused by the pandemic. Our school’s most recent Key Stage Two performance measures (2022-2023), as published by the Secretary of State, are as below. 

You can also view this data on the DFE Compare School Performance Website 



Scroll down to view the results of last year's Phonics Screening in Year One, Key Stage One and EYFS Results. Do speak to our Year Six, Year Two, Year One or Reception teachers if you would like to discuss this information further.  

Key Stage One Results 2023

