In writing, we will be looking at the book FOX by Margaret Wild. We will be working our way through the story with a focus on using some 'wow words' in writing. We will be finishing this unit by writing the next part of the story from three different points of view!
We will be looking at various non-fiction texts this half term. We will be working on our comprehension skills such as inference and retrieval and learning about features in non-fiction texts.
During this half term, children will be mastering addition and subtraction and begin investigating the x3, x4 and x8 multiplication tables pictorially. Children are encouraged to spend at least 5 minutes every day on Times Tables Rock Stars to boost their multiplication knowledge - you can do it!
In science we will be investigating and understanding magnets and forces through investigations and experiments. We will look in depth at what magnets are, how they were discovered and why they are important. We will also look at different types of forces, linking to life beyond the earth's atmosphere.
In computing children will be introduced to stop-motion animation! We will be making our own paper examples and digital examples. How exciting to find out how some of our favorite animated films are made!
Religious Education
This half term children will be learning about different world religions' festivals of light including 'Christingle' within the Christian faith. Please join us for our Christingle service coming up nearer to Christmas.
Year Three are excited to resume swimming as soon as possible. In our PE lessons, Year Three will work on creating their own mystery dance. We will tell different stories though our dances and put together different dance moves. We can't wait to show you what we have been working on.
Aren't animals amazing! In our new topic we are looking into drawing different animals and using our different techniques and skills including pastels and collage to create our own animal artwork.
Inspired by Chilhuly, we will be creating our own pottery using clay. During this process, the children will investigate the colour wheel, form and hue. We will be focusing on intricacy and detailing during this topic.
We will be kick starting Geography in Year Three by exploring the world around us. We will be recapping the seven continents and learning about the equator, the tropics and the hemisphere. Following from this, we will further out geographical knowledge by learning about landscapes, including the water cycle!
In DT we will be investigating levers. We will be looking into how different levers work and using our new knowledge to create our own grabber to solve problems for different users. We will need to think about our intended user and make sure our design is suitable for the task!