Homework will be issued on a Thursday to give the children a chance to ask the teacher on Friday if they are unsure about anything. Many children are involved in activities out of school and we hope that by allowing until Tuesday for homework to be returned, then the children can effectively organise their time around other commitments. Homework will usually be a writing, maths or topic based activity.
Scroll down to find useful links to help you with your homework, rehearse your times tables and try out extra ideas if you have the time.
In order to ensure progress, children should be reading for twenty minutes every day and should have the opportunity to read both independently and aloud to an adult. This is supported at school with our Accelerated Reading program where the children can regularly logon to their own page in order to take a quiz on a book they have recently read.
Children should practise their spellings regularly - I encourage the children to spend five minutes a day practising. The children will be tested at least every two weeks - usually more often.
Regular practise of times tables is essential. In Year Three, we recap the 10x, 5x, and 2x, tables taught in Year Two and learn the 3x, 4x and 8x tables. We learn our times tables through our maths lessons and through a variety of games. Look in the star below for links to some of these games.
Scroll down to find useful links to help you with your homework.