
BerkswichCE Primary School

Achieve, Believe and Care

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Virtual Sports Day 2020

Virtual Sports Day 2020

Sports Day is one of the great events in our Berkswich school calendar and we are not going to let anything stop us from celebrating this competition together this year. However, we do have to be safe and responsible, so this year I have designed activities that can be done in your garden, a park area or in your learning bubble if you are attending school at the moment. These activities can be done just by you or why not get your whole family active and involved. As well as being a school competition you could make it into a family one as well!


There are ten fun activities for you to have a go at. They are listed below. The more activities you try the more points you earn for your house team that you are in. For every activity that you have a go at you will get one point. Therefore the maximum points that you can get is ten. The points from every class will be added up and the team with the most will be the 2020 Sports Day winners.


The start date for this is Monday 22nd June and you have until Friday 10th July to complete these activities. If you are completing this at home please send the following information through Seesaw to your class teacher by Friday 10th July. You will need to let your teacher know the number of activities that you completed, the name of the house that you are in and photographs of you completing the challenges.


If you are attending school at the moment you will have the opportunity to do it there as part of your PE lessons.


The winning house team will be announced during the last week of term.


Get active and most of all have fun!


Mrs Maxwell


1. Balance Challenge

Get a blindfold, this could be your school cardigan. Choose your strongest leg. How long can you balance on one leg blindfolded?


2. Hi Five Plank

Make a front support plank. How many air high fives can you do in this position in one minute?


3. Book Balancing or Another Interesting Object

How far can you walk without the book or object falling off your head?


4. Bunny Hop Challenge

How many bunny hops can you do in one minute? How far can you travel with 5 bunny hops?

A bunny hop must start and finish each jump with your hands and feet on the floor.


5. Chair Challenge

Count how many times that you can stand up and then sit down on your chair in one minute. If you are completing this outside and you don't have a chair then how many times can you sit down on the floor and stand up in one minute?

Bronze Level= 30 or more

Silver Level = 50 or more

Gold Level = 60 or more


6. Not Quite the Egg and Spoon Race

If you don't have an egg then please ask an adult what you can use instead. It could be an apple, potato or anything else round. How many laps of your garden, school field or living room can you do without dropping your egg?


7. Skipping Challenge With or Without Skipping Rope

How many skips with a skipping rope can you do before you stop? If you don't have a skipping rope then how many times can you skip up and down your garden, living room, park or school field in one minute?


8. How Far Can You Jump?

Standing Long Jumps. Start with your feet together, jump forward, keeping your feet together. How far did you jump?


9. Bat and Ball or Frying Pan and Socks

How many times can you bounce a ball on a tennis racket before it falls off? If you don't have a racket and ball at home then give this challenge a go with the back of a frying pan and socks in a ball.


10. Taekwondo Challenge

Left arm punch, right arm punch and kick. Choose your level.

Pro Level- How many sets can you complete in 60 seconds?

Amateur Level- How many sets can you complete in 30 seconds?

Fun Level- Perform the moves to your favourite music. Can you keep going until the end of the piece of music?








