As a church school, Berkswich C.E. Primary School is committed to every child having a safe and happy upbringing, where children are free to grow up with integrity and dignity. Anyone who joins our school will be expected to share this commitment and should any concerns arise, to be proactive in following procedures and seeking advice from appropriate agencies as outlined in our safeguarding policy.
In school, our designated safeguarding lead is Ms Jackson, our deputy safeguarding leads are Mrs Joint, Mrs Andrews, Mrs Ennis, Mrs Gartside-Bentley (EYFS lead).
Mrs Johnson, Mrs Newman, our pastoral lead, and Mr Robinson, Cedars lead, are co-DDSLs.
Our Safeguarding governor is Mrs Cashmore.
A list of these names is displayed in the entrance hall for visitors and parents to view and the information has also been shared with the children. Further contact details may be accessed via our Safeguarding Policy. (See Statutory Policies Page).
To find out more about safeguarding policies and procedures (including Whistleblowing, Staff Code of Conduct, Anti-bullying, Mental Health and Wellbeing, Allegations of Abuse Against Staff, Safeguarding Policy, Child friendly Safeguarding Policy, Operation Encompass policy, Intimate Care Policy, Computing policy, Digital literacy , SRE Policy, Behaviour, Suspension and Exclusion Policy and Prevent Policy), please go the policies section of our website. Please note the list above is not exhaustive.
For Further Information
As a parent, carer, relative, neighbour, member of the public or a professional who has contact with children, you may be concerned about the welfare and safety of your own child or a child you know. These concerns could be about their appearance, behaviour, development or how they are being cared for. More information and advice can be found on the Staffordshire Safeguarding Children Board website.
Staffordshire Children's Advice and Support Service
Freephone: 0300 111 8007 (Monday to Thursday, 8:30am-5:00pm and Friday 8:30am-4:30pm)
Emergency out of hours: 0345 604 2886
Contact Staffordshire Children's Advice and Support Service