At Berkswich CE Primary School, we value PE greatly as a subject. We believe that PE is an essential part of a child's educational development. It provides children with a knowledge about their health, fitness and wellbeing throughout their lives. At Berkswich we believe that PE inspires every child across our school to participate and compete in a wide variety of engaging and challenging activities.
Please use the links below to explore PE learning at Berkswich.
Our PE has been recognised in the Non-statutory government guidance in March 2024, 'Enhancing physical education provision and improving access to sport and physical activity in school' See Page 23.
Platinum in School Games Award!
Our physical activity and school sport achievements have been recognised: we are delighted to announce that we have achieved Platinum in School Games Award for the 2023/24 academic year.
We have raised the profile of Physical Education at Berkswich this year by: increasing the number of clubs that we offer, involvement in all fixtures that we have been offered, taking part in National School Sport week and effectively training Sport Leaders to daily lead our active playtimes.
In response to our application Susie (Stafford SGO) said, "Berkswich CE Primary School is a fantastic example of a school that embodies the principles of 60 Active Minutes. They offer their children such a broad range of opportunities, there genuinely is 'something for everyone' at Berkswich. It has been great to see the PE Lead develop her subject over the past few years and the benefits that has brought the children in her school. Congratulations Berkswich!"
We are extremely proud of the children for their dedication towards all aspects of physical activity and school sport.
Well done, everyone and well done, Mrs Gartside-Bentley, our PE Lead!
afPE Quality Mark for Physical Education, School Sport and Physical Activity – Distinction!
We are thrilled to announce that we have been awarded the afPE Quality Mark with Distinction for ‘demonstrating outstanding commitment to improvement in Physical Education, School Sport and Physical Activity’.
Since taking on the role as PE leader, Mrs Gartside Bentley has work relentlessly to ensure our provision is outstanding, her amazing efforts have been recognised in the feedback provided:
PESSPA is led by a passionate, knowledgeable and reflective practitioner, who has engaged all staff on this learning journey.
High standards of teaching and learning have been developed and nurtured through effective planning and appropriate and regular CPD, all of which is robustly monitored and analysed to ensure impact on children.
Children in this school feel valued and appreciate the wide range of provision and experience they gain through an inclusive programme, which meets their needs whilst challenging and nurturing them to achieve their potential.
Parental support and involvement in learning is outstanding.
We look forward to another successful year of sport in 2023-24.