In English the children will be completing lots of exciting writing tasks. This book is a wonderfully illustrated book about an unexpected friendship.
Through this book they will learn the what common nouns and proper nouns are, how to use 2a phrases and adverbial conjunctions correctly in their writing. The children will also be focusing on using capital letters correctly, not just at the beginning of sentences but also for proper nouns, full stops, question marks and commas. They will write their own story and setting description using these skills.
During the week the children also have a Grammar/Punctuation lesson and handwriting sessions.
We will continue to follow the Little Wandle approach to reading. This will further develop and enhance the children's word reading, reading with expression and comprehension skills.
Year Two will continue to follow the Little Wandle phonics this term. Where they will learn the alternative pronunciations and spellings of phonemes as well as revising all of the phase 5 graphemes.
The children will be learning to read and write numbers to at least 100 in numerals and words, recognise place value of two digit numbers, compare and order numbers, use place value and number facts to solve problems, recall and use addition and subtraction facts to 20 confidently, and derive and use related facts up to 100 and add and subtract numbers ; a two-digit number and tens, two two-digit numbers and adding three one-digit numbers.
Religious Education
Year Two will be considering the question 'Who Made the World?' They will learn all about the Creation story, understand that people have different beliefs about creation and understand that the story tells Christians about God, creation and the world.
The title for this half term's unit is 'families and relationships'. The children will be understanding that families are composed of different people who offer each other care and support. Learning how people show feelings and how to respond to them.
The children will investigate the needs of survival for animals and plants. We will explore how animals, including humans, have offspring which grow into adults and the impacts of exercise and hygiene has on a human.
The children will be investigating how Information Technology improves our world. They will also learn about using Information Technology responsibly and keeping safe online.
This half term the children will be journeying through time, making discoveries about how travel and exploration have not only changed the modern world but shaped it. The children will set sail upon the Santa Maria with Christopher Columbus and rocket up into space with Neil Armstrong to name a couple of sig
nificant people who have contributed to this area in history.
But has it all been plain sailing? Who were the winners and were there any losers? How have opinions about explorers changed over time?
Art lessons Year Two will be finding out what portraits are and discovering famous artists who are well known for portrait art. The children will also have the opportunity to try different media and materials to create their own portraits.
Year Two will have two PE lessons a week although there will be plenty of other opportunities within lessons when they will be physically active. One of the PE lessons will be focusing on target and tag activities and the other will be fundamental skills:
'Stability, locomotion and object control are the three foundations of fundamental movement knowledge. They need to become automatic so that students can move without having to think about it, much the same as decoding while reading needs to be automatic before fluency and comprehension is possible. Without mastery of fundamental movement knowledge, students will have little working memory to think about strategy and tactics, key components of physical education. Fundamental movement begins as generic knowledge then develops into sport-specific knowledge.'
In music the children will be taught to use their voices expressively and creatively by singing songs and speaking chants and rhymes.