
BerkswichCE Primary School

Achieve, Believe and Care

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Early Years

Welcome to the Early Years at Berkswich CE Primary


Here in the Early Years, we aim to provide all children with a wide range of experiences that will allow them to develop academically, spiritually and socially to reach their full potential, within a Christian context.


At Berkswich we aim to provide a safe, secure and stimulating environment where all children, families and staff feel valued, empowered and happy to grow and learn together.  Our broad and balanced curriculum seeks to nurture curiosity, develop confident communicators and inspire imaginations through children’s natural interests. Children actively learn through play and develop independence, confidence and self-esteem, skilfully supported and challenged by practitioners who seek to foster a life-long love of learning.

Children in Nursery and Reception are immersed in a rich learning environment filled with awe and wonder, where opportunities and experiences allow them to flourish in all aspects of their development. This includes opportunities in indoor, outdoor and local areas, where activities are planned to excite, intrigue and motivate children in their learning.  

We appreciate that all children are different and we pride ourselves on being an inclusive school which is nurturing and has a clear focus on how each individual child learns. 

Meet Our Team

Mrs Gartside-Bentley - Nursery Teacher and Temporary Early Years Leader

Mrs Arkinstall - Nursery Teaching Assistant 

Miss Payne - Apprentice Nursery Teaching Assistant 


Miss Allen - Reception Teacher 

Miss Bailey - Reception Teacher and Early Years Leader (maternity leave)

Mrs Batson - Reception Teaching Assistant 

