We started off Year Three by talking about what we think is important in our classroom. We discussed the rules we think will make our classroom a fun and safe place to learn. Look below to see what we came up with.
We Are Unique
In Year Three we have been admiring the natural world around us and how amazing and beautiful it is. We have discovered that many natural objects are unique. We went around the school and looked at the different leaves on the trees. We found out that no two leaves are exactly the same. That is because each leaf is unique just like each member of our class is unique. We discussed this as a class and identified the things in each other that makes us special.
Year Three is full of amazing children and we love to celebrate our class! We have been identifying our strengths by thinking of what we are good at and all the amazing things we can do!
I can play the recorder - Beth
I have a lovely family - Jude
I am a good friend - Hughie
We know School Council is important and our elected members for Year Three are super! When we discussed what is important as a representative we said:
They need to be a good team player and be keen to help people - Beth
School Council needs to show perseverant, kind and helpful - Willa
You must be inclusive, responsible and caring - Sam
School council needs to be kind and caring - Oliver
School Council help our school with fundraising and in special events - Arianna.
We have been looking into our Member of Parliament (MP) for Stafford and discovering the role our MP does! We know our MP is Theo Clarke who represents Stafford in parliament. We discussed what MP's do and how they are similar to our School Council.
Our MP tries to make Stafford a better place like our school council makes Berkswich a better place - George
We can talk to our MP or school council if we have any problems - Elizabeth
School council and MPs can help at events, and you can talk to them - Oscar
MPs go to meetings and Parliament to make Stafford better like our school council goes to meetings - Amelie
As a class we have talked about how we can keep out bubble safe and happy.
We came up with a class mission to follow and talked about the importance of the teaching in the bible about treating others as we would like to be treated.
Having fair representaion is our right and we in Year 1 strongly believe that the School Council is an important way of getting our voice heard.
We thought carefully about what skills a good School Council Member needs. We decied thaey should be :
a good listener
a confident speaker
We are proud to introduce our class elected School Council Representatives!
Henry and Elisheba gave persuasive arguements as to why they should represent Year One.
You will be out of this world!