What can students expect from Maths at Walton?
We have close links with our local high school and the maths department work hard to ensure that Year Six transition smoothly into Year Seven. Behind the scenes, the teachers from Walton communicate effectively with our teachers to find out what you will need as you start your maths journey at high school. See the maths events tab on the main page to find out about the superb Murderous Maths event that is run by Walton at Berkswich CE each year.
Want to know more?
Mr Hughes, the head of maths at Walton, is passionate about maths. His favourite maths idea is the 'Unique Factor Theorem' - that every integer number greater than one can be written as a product of primes and that there is only one for each number. This will be a great fact to explore at Walton; there are so many intriguing and fascinating areas of maths!
It is useful to build a picture of what maths at Walton will be like. Mr Hughes, is the best person to do just that!
"So, what can students expect from Maths at Walton? Students will be in groups of generally less than thirty, mixed with other students, not just those in their form groups (this is the same as with some other subjects).
We embrace events such as Maths Week England, we have Codebreaking clubs that run, we also have a weekly maths club which explores some of the maths that you might not do in class. Where its appropriate we will enter students for the Junior Maths Challenges.
We use Dr Frost for online homework - and have a weekly leader board that gets updated on the maths landing - celebrating those who put effort into homework and independent learning. We expect students to be using Dr Frost individually to help develop their mathematical prowess.
In classes we will use a full range of learning techniques, such as whiteboards, group work, discussion and individual practice.
The Maths Lead is me, Mr E Hughes and the deputy is Mr I Turner; our team are looking forwards to supporting you, enthusing you and continuing your learning in maths at Walton."