
BerkswichCE Primary School

Achieve, Believe and Care

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Our Church

Church Links


Enjoy exploring our pages about our church links and community. To find our more about our community, please use the links above.


Our deeply theologically rooted Christian vision shapes our worship and spirituality within school. To enhance this we have built strong partnerships with our local churches and communities.


St Thomas' Church

Children at Berkswich relish their opportunities to visit our local church, St Thomas', whether it is for a service, for a learning opportunity, or just for some quiet time to reflect.


Our church services include:

  • A Eucharist service during the Autumn and Spring terms.
  • Harvest festival services (EYFS/KS1 and KS2) in the Autumn Term
  • A Christingle service for Year Three and Year Four at Christmas
  • A Christmas Carol service for Year Five and Year Six.
  • Easter Celebration services (EYFS/KS1 and KS2) in the Spring Term
  • Year Six Leavers' Service


Parents are always warmly invited to attend at these times. 


St. Thomas' Church, Walton-on-the-Hill


It is important to us, as a church school, that we have strong links with the Christian community.  We have an active partnership with Father Graham and St. Thomas’ Church, supported by Lichfield Diocese. 


Father Graham takes a weekly worship, leads our services in church and is regularly involved in RE lessons across school. 


Wildwood Church

Kevin Bales from Wildwood Church, leads worship twice a term. He brings the Bible to life through drama and role play.



If you would like to know more about this church, please visit: Home | Wildwoodchurch


Elim Hope Church

We also have links with Elim church - Gemma Barnwell supports Mrs Ennis with the worship group. This is a fantastic opportunity for children to learn leadership skills as well as engage in thought provoking activities. 

If you would like to know more about this church, please visit: Elim Hope Church – Stafford Elim Pentecostal Church




Elim Hope Church, St Patricks St, Stafford


Berkswich Methodist Church

We are also fortunate to have links with our local Methodist church.

If you would like to know more about this church, please visit: Stafford Methodist Circuit - Berkswich 

Berkswich Methodist Church, The Rise, Walton





