
BerkswichCE Primary School

Achieve, Believe and Care

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House Groups

'Our vision is to enable everyone in our school family to live life in its fullness, relishing challenge and building independence.'


Everyone at Berkswich CE belongs to a house named after four different cathedrals in England. In these teams, we have opportunities over the year to learn together and take part in special days and sporting competitions. 


Children gain points for their team by making sure that their behaviour, attitudes and learning is at the highest standard possible and by following Jesus’ example of being inclusive and treating others with care and respect at all times. The children love being a part of these communities and make sure that they are responsible members of their house. 


Team points are collected weekly by our fantastic House Captains who communicate these to the whole school every Friday and update the totals below. 


Please scroll down to take a look at the latest results and photos showing the various celebrations enjoyed by the winning houses. 


Our Team Captains have an important role; they organise the weekly collection of results, announce these to the school and, most importantly, they motivate their fellow team members. Their work is vital in supporting their house and modelling our school values. They promote ways in which children at Berkswich CE are recognised for their contributions to the life of the school and the wider community.


Introducing our current captains:


The totals so far this term are:

Salisbury - 7

Winchester - 15

Canterbury - 6

Lichfield - 12



Supporting the Captains


Will and Seth are our House Treasurers and they are responsible for fundraising and managing the costs of the accounts for the half-term celebrations. Keep an eye on the newsletter for the next event coming your way!

The winners form the first part of the Spring Term were Winchester!

The winners from the Autumn Term are in Winchester (Red), with Salisbury a close second.

The winners from the second Autumn Term are in Lichfield!

The winners from the first Spring Term are Lichfield again! Second, third and fourth places were the closest yet!

In joint first place in the second Spring Term are Lichfield and Canterbury.

Look out for photos of their celebrations below.
