As a church school, we have a concern for the ‘wholeness’ of any individual or group who are involved in our school life. Mental and spiritual support and development is just as important to God as physical or educational support and development, and so should be to us. In all decisions and actions taken by the school, we strive to take into consideration the impact on the whole-being.
In addition to promoting positive mental health and well-being, we aim to recognise and respond to need as it arises. By developing and implementing practical, relevant and effective mental health and well-being policies and procedures we can promote a safe and stable environment for pupils affected both directly, and indirectly by mental health and well-being issues.
School staff may become aware of signs which could indicate a pupil may be experiencing mental health or emotional well-being issues. These warning signs are always taken seriously and staff observing any of these warning signs will communicate their concerns with Theresa Newman, our Mental Health and Emotional Well-being Lead.