
BerkswichCE Primary School

Achieve, Believe and Care

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Maths Successes

I am so pleased that so many of you have been completing the maths activities daily.

Sophie you have made great progress on Times Table Rockstars! That is a great score Izzy! You have made wonderful progress Bertie!

You have understood division well!

Fun Ways to Learn Multiplication

Telling the Time

Mia and Otto have been learning to tell the time. This is a great maths activity to do. Well done! Otto then used his knowledge of time to create a weekly timetable. Can you tell the time? If you can then why don't you create a daily timetable like Otto's.

Weighing - We have used our weighing skills to complete a baking/cooking activity.


So many of you are enjoying 'Daily Maths Flashback' each day.

Counting Money

'Amazing Maths' activities are so much fun!
