
BerkswichCE Primary School

Achieve, Believe and Care

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My Community

This unit has been incredibly interesting this year!  Our communities have been shaken up and altered by circumstances out of our control, which can be very unsettling.  We have gone from seeing our school community every day to a few online lessons per week; seeing our extended families in person to seeing them as a face on a screen; and meeting up with friends to enjoy activities together to phone calls and online quizzes and parties.


Everything familiar has seemingly been taken away.  Whilst we all understand that this is to protect ourselves and those we care for, it has still been a difficult time.  A loss of feeling in control of our lives can have a big impact on our mental wellbeing, so Year 5 have been reminding ourselves of the things that we can control.  

Thinking about a few things that we can control can help give back a sense of power over our own lives, which boosts our wellbeing and gives us a more positive outlook during this difficult time.
