
BerkswichCE Primary School

Achieve, Believe and Care

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Our Maths Curriculum Intention - Why Do We Do What We Do

Our maths curriculum has been devised in accordance with our whole school vision and curriculum intent, which aims to enable all children to flourish and excel and to become life-long learners. Our curriculum intent is for every child to tackle the subject with delight and enjoyment; it recognises the need to provoke questions and discussions and to stimulate curiosity.


The maths curriculum at Berkswich is grounded in the belief that maths is a vital means by which children are introduced to concepts, language, skills and thinking-strategies essential in everyday life. Our systematic and progressive curriculum, supported by White Rose, is designed so that children have a depth of understanding and work towards achieving mastery of the concepts covered. Our aim is for all children to be fluent and confident mathematicians who have excellent numerosity and flexibility with number, applying this to formal methods and to abstract problem-solving challenges with efficiency, using mental methods where appropriate. Where more formal methods are included, these are deeply rooted in the understanding of underlying concepts.


Berkswich CE maths curriculum is ambitious for every child including SEND and other vulnerable groups. Greater depth and mastery opportunities are available for all pupils in recognition that we believe everyone can be a successful mathematician. We acknowledge the importance of challenge as an integral part of lessons; children approach reasoning and abstract problem solving with resilience and tenacity by forming meaningful connections to previous learning within a culture whereby mistakes are expected and creativity and flexibility are valued. The journey of problem solving and reasoning is celebrated and children are able to explain and justify their choices using mathematical vocabulary to ensure efficiency and accuracy.


Our curriculum supports children in being bold mathematicians. It recognises that maths is a highly inter-connected discipline and it is essential to everyday life, both now and in the future. Our curriculum supports children in applying their understanding to make new discoveries and rich connections across a range of subjects, guided by the expertise of the teacher.


