
BerkswichCE Primary School

Achieve, Believe and Care

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Worship and Reflection at Berkswich CE

Our Worship Intent


Within worship, we aim to promote the spiritual, moral, cultural and social development of the children. A whole school Act of Worship takes place daily, led by the head, deputy, or other members of staff. Bob Gilson (church elder), leads worship once a month and Father Graham (The Vicar), leads worship on the remaining Wednesdays of the month, and are regularly involved in the teaching of specific aspects of the Christian faith and special days, people and celebrations in the Church’s year. Kevin Bales (Methodist school link worker), leads worship fortnightly with a focus on stories from the bible.


Worship in and with the community is vital to enhancing our RE curriculum. Special services to celebrate important times and festivals in the Christian Church’s year, that the children are actively involved in producing and leading, take place at our local Church. Everyone in the school family, community and other friends and relatives are very welcome to join with us at these special times: Eucharist, Harvest, Christingle, Christmas, Easter and also at the Leavers’ Service at the end of the summer term.


Across our school we aim to promote opportunities for personal reflection and spiritual development, this is encouraged across the curriculum specifically in our acts of worship and provides a safe environment for children to develop their own values and beliefs. Within the acts of worship, the children are actively involved both with discussions, stories, questions and prayers. Berkswich CE encourages active engagement through developing the children as worship leaders, allowing them to plan and deliver worship to the whole school. In addition our worships are based around different Christian values and school values. These underpin our whole ethos, curriculum and school life and aim to ensure our pupils leave Berkswich CE as happy, secure, confident, caring and responsible citizens.
