Each year, pupils in Year One to Year Six, staff and parent volunteers have a wonderful time watching the pantomime in our local theatre, The Garrick in Lichfield. This year, we enjoyed a fantastic performance of Snow White.
Twice a year, the Berkswich community, led by the PTA, comes together to raise money by organising fun events for much-needed, much–appreciated funds. Year Five and Six have the fantastic opportunity to create, organise and prepare stalls for the rest of the school to enjoy. This is also a wonderful opportunity for our musicians and school choir to perform and share the achievements that they have been working so hard on throughout the year.
Our annual BGT competition takes place at the end of the Summer Term as the winners get the opportunity to perform at the annual Summer Fayre. The School Council, staff and pupils were amazed with the skills and talents that so many of our pupils have: actors, gymnasts, musicians, singers and magicians to name just a few!
Our highly talented winners were: Joel (Year Six) singer and actor, Amber (Year Four) gymnast and Maddie (Year One) gymnast and dancer. Well done!
The whole school took part in Outdoor Classroom Day. Outdoor Classroom Day is a global movement to make time outdoors part of every child’s day. Outdoor learning has many benefits for children; research suggests that it improves children's overall development, supports their mental well-being, promotes more engaging learning experiences and much more.
Each class took part in a number of activities outside all from different areas of the curriculum...
Nursery enjoyed creating prayer pebbles which they took on their trip to Church.
Reception had great fun in the forest school area creating tree faces and talking about different emotions.
Year One were busy completing lots of Phonics activities outside.
Year Two got creative in outdoor art, painting their own seascape pictures.
Year Three created their own fun-fair to support their mathematics unit of money.
Year Four enjoyed learning about climate change in geography and took part in some games helping them understand the impact of greenhouse gases.
Year Five explored lifecycles of birds in science and created their own bird lifecycles out of clay
Year Six loved learning about the lives of Victorian children and enjoyed making toys and playing a variety of games on the playground such as skittles, skipping and playing with sticks and hoops.
Take a look at just some of the fun and exciting learning we all got up to...