
BerkswichCE Primary School

Achieve, Believe and Care

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Our Religious Education Curriculum Intent

At Berkswich CE, we believe that religious education (RE) plays an important role in defining the school’s distinctive Christian character. The SIAMS schedule 2018 (Strand 7) makes it clear that RE should reflect the school’s Christian vision.  We aim to make RE a unique contribution to the ethos of our school and is reflected in our motto, ‘Believe, Achieve and Care’. All members of Berkswich CE experience Christianity through the life of the school, as well as taught through the curriculum. The skills, values and attitudes developed in RE are at the heart of a cohesive community where the children are encouraged to have a positive sense of identity and belonging. 


We place value on developing the children’s awareness of the traditions and beliefs of Christianity, particularly in relation to the Anglican Church. Christian morals and values are central to the ethos of our schools and we aim to give children a firm foundation of social values based on Christian principles. The encounter must be an open one which stems from and instils respect for different views and interpretations.


It is our intent that RE is regarded as a core subject within the school’s curriculum. It has a vital role in developing religious literacy and deepening pupils understanding of Christianity, in all its forms, and fostering appreciation and understanding of other faith traditions. RE is non-confessional and is treated as an academic subject in its own right. We aim to ensure that the RE curriculum is challenging, dynamic and relevant to pupils of all ages and encourage the children to ask questions to develop their critical thinking and understanding of the religions and beliefs which form our society, whilst promoting respect and diversity. Within our curriculum, RE has a high profile across the school and learning activities provide fully for the needs of all learners, including SEND.


Furthermore, we believe that it is important that RE contributes to other areas of education and experiences and plays an important part of the wider programme of spiritual, moral, social and cultural development:

Spiritually, by exploring and growing their beliefs,  experiences and understanding of others’ views.

Morally, by enabling children to develop their own informed values.

Socially, by widening children’s understanding of their place within society and providing them with the tools to make positive changes and influences.

Culturally, by enabling children to explore and appreciate Britain’s culture and systems, and develop positive attitudes towards diversity.


The values we promote are paramount within the school community and are values which will be important throughout life. In all that we do we strive to share, encourage and demonstrate positive values with our children; in order that they understand them and strive to live by them.

