The new curriculum states that children should be able to recall multiplication and division facts for multiplication tables up to 12 × 12 by the end of Year Four.
Understanding the connections between multiplication and division facts in times tables is vital (e.g understanding that if 2x5=10, then 5x2=10, 10÷5=2 and 10÷2=5).
Games are a great way to encourage and motivate your child to learn their times tables and division facts. Please remember the 'little and often' is an effective approach. Once your child has learnt their tables, they will need to revisit them, to ensure that they are retained successfully.
You would be amazed at how much of our maths at school is based on times tables and their related division facts. It is important that your child learns them well. Times tables (multiplication tables) and their related division facts will be important to help your child: add; subtract; problem solve; convert between units of measurement; work with decimals; use fractions; calculate using ratio and many other areas in maths.
Using 'Times Tables Rock Stars' every day will be beneficial or why not try playing some of the games below?