
BerkswichCE Primary School

Achieve, Believe and Care

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Our Art Curriculum Intent - Why We Do What We Do

Our Curriculum Intent - Why we do what we do


In line with our school curriculum intent and vision, art plays an integral part of a child’s journey through Berkswich CE and beyond. Immense value is placed upon art as one of the highest forms of human creativity. We recognise that an excellent art curriculum should engage, inspire and challenge pupils, whilst equipping them with the knowledge and skills needed to experiment, invent and create their own works of art, craft and design. Our curriculum design purposefully drives towards ensuring that each child leaves Berkswich CE with an enduring passion for the subject.


A research-based approach informs our curriculum: we recognise the benefit of the arts to other areas of learning, including core subjects, particular gains for disadvantaged pupils and improved attitudes to learning generally (Education Endowment Foundation). Through our work with Keele University, we have identified key concepts in art, which are continuously revisited (spaced- repetition) through coherent units in every year group. We recognise that learning in art and design is more visible over time and this is the grounds for creating phased objectives. Our content is subject-specific; any links with other subjects are only used to strengthen and build connections in learning for the children.


The deeply held belief of, ‘Every child an artist,’ is central to planning, ensuring that the curriculum is accessible and ambitious for all learners, including those who have additional needs. A progressive art curriculum enables children to build on prior skills and techniques with increasing mastery and confidence. Our curriculum is engaging through its breadth and challenge; indeed, it is designed to allow children the freedom to be curious, to solve problems, to be risk-takers and to tackle new learning with persistence.


Threaded through the whole curriculum, is the belief that children should recognise how art and design both reflect and shape our history, and contribute to the culture and creativity of the society and world in which they live. Immersing themselves in the significant periods of art history and the works of trailblazers who have come before, as well as those in the present, is an integral part of each year’s curriculum. As children progress, there are rich opportunities for them to reflect, think critically and express views informed by their increasing artistic knowledge and confidence.
