
BerkswichCE Primary School

Achieve, Believe and Care

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Personal, Social, Health and Economic Education

At Berkswich CE, we believe that PSHE is woven into every lesson, moment and act our children take. We enable our children to develop an understanding of who they are, how they can benefit from strong relationships from within their local community and where they can make postive contributions to the wider world. By providing discreet PSHE lessons, discussions with visitors and enabling PSHE to be at the core of our learning, we aim for our children to grow into well-rounded, knowledgeable and active citizens. 


Please explore the options below that details how our PSHE curriculum is brought to life across our school community and for advice, guidance and support on mental wellbeing for both our parents and children.  


Abbreviations: PSHE (Personal, Social, Health and Economic education) and RSE (Relationships and Sex Education)

Please note that the content below relates to our previous curriculum; however, please feel free to view examples from previous learning. New content will be added to enable parents and carers to see examples from the children's PSHE Journals.  

See the 'Class Learning Pages' star below to find out how the children are able to develop their own knowledge and skills, and how they are able to enrich their own lives and the lives of others. Our children are active members of communities, eagerly preparing to be citizens of the future. 
