
BerkswichCE Primary School

Achieve, Believe and Care

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Remembering Learning - Using Knowledge Organisers

Knowledge Organisers in Music


It is important that the children know where they are heading and have the key information to help them on this learning journey.


The Knowledge Organisers help to do this job (example left): they provide the children with an outline of the new knowledge and some reminders about what they have already learnt. Although one Knowledge Organiser may differ from another, each shows the children what they are going to be learning, hold the key facts or information needed and a glossary of the main technical vocabulary for the unit. Information may be communicated through text, pictures, maps, photos, symbols, etc. 


The Knowledge Organisers may contain reference to elements of music or other key concepts or ideas which run through units and through the year groups. The children are familiar with these and also have reminders online and in the classroom for quick reference. Please see the music policy for further information.


Knowledge Organisers (KO) may have additional wider references, such as to literature, history, a particular environmental issue, and so on.


Please see below to access each KO; your child's teacher will also use these to ensure that the learning continues to be progressive and to check that prior learning supports new learning opportunities. 
