Year Two have been learning about how people they meet online might not be who they say they are and can sometimes say or do harmful things to others. We discussed how bullying of any form, online or offline is unacceptable and what we can do to get help. We watched this video from CEOPS to learn more about the world of gaming and how we should never share our personal information.
(21) Lee and Kim KS1 Curriculum eSafety material - YouTube
The children then created treasure boxes and thought of top tips for what to do to keep them safe and happy online.
Not everything online is trustworthy and it can be hard to find out if something is a fact, an opinion or made up. This is what Year to have been investigating. We read the story of Detective Digiduck which gave use 3 ways to check information we find online is true:
The Year Two detectives then put these tips to the test on the following 'facts'. They needed to find experts in the class or school, ask friends and use books to check whether they are true or false.
There are ten planets in our solar system.
Wearing glasses allows you to see in the dark.
To work in an office you must be able to write with your right and left hand.
To be a teacher you must like apples.
Lockers that are an odd number open backwards.
The word 'dictionary' is not in the dictionary.
The cat in the book 'The Lighthouse Keeper's Lunch' is called Bertie.
Australia is in the Atlantic Ocean.
When cats purr it means they are scared.
Year Two have been thinking of examples of issues online that might make someone feel sad, worried, uncomfortable or frightened. The story Hanni's Magic Window helped them to understand what happens to our body when we feel these feelings. They then wrote adjectives around 'Hanni' to describe how she felt after she spoke to someone about it.
Year Two have been learning about how other people's identities online can be different to their identities in real life by creating their very own avatars. We discussed how avatars can make someone seem completely different; from the colour of their hair to their age and even their gender. We discussed how because of this we should treat online strangers the same way as we would treat them in real life and only talk to people we know and can trust.