
BerkswichCE Primary School

Achieve, Believe and Care

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Year Five

Summer Term DT

In our first lesson of our 'Artificial Intelligence' unit this term, we have been discussing smart device in our homes and exploring how they work.

We have also been investigating various types of sensors and how they work too.

We had a go at designing a product with a sensor carefully considering who the user is, the purpose of the product, why the product would sell and how the product works.

First Lesson Brainstorms!

Spring Term DT

Dyson Detectives and Pulley Perfectionists!

Year Five had a special delivery this half term from a very well-known company - Dyson! Inside the secret package was a real Dyson fan that we had the opportunity to explore further. This tied in beautifully with our 'Perfecting Pulleys' DT unit as we were able to apply the skills learnt to our own projects. We learned about what characteristics make a successful Design Engineer. who James Dyson is and how he founded his company, expert tips in cardboard modelling and sketching, and how frustration only means one thing - opportunity! During the half term, Year Five experimented with various types of pulleys, created design boards and mood boards, built projects to see them come to life and test and evaluated their  masterpieces. The design concept was to reinvent how stationery was used in the classroom to make more room on the tables for exercise books. The children made sure to carefully annotate their diagrams to explain how they made their product and were able to understand the importance of the consumer and how with DT, unlike Art, everything has a purpose and an intended use. A very successful first DT unit indeed. Watch this space for our next units coming up... 'Sewing Specialists', ' Arch Engineers' and 'Villainous Victories'!
