Governor Visit Reports:
Examining the Impact of School Actions of Children's Learning
Governors play an active role in their duties; each one has various responsibilities, ranging from staffing to curriculum. Please see the governor menu for the breakdown of the areas in which the governors hold expertise and offer challenge and support. Every time a governor visit is made, a full report is submitted to the board and actions identified. Within this report is a summary of the visit.
Please scroll down - the most recent summary will be at the top. Please do contact the governors if there are questions regarding any report.
Visit Purpose: To monitor the standards of pupils’ writing across the school | Date: 14th Mar 2024 |
Summary: Governors, alongside school leaders, monitored the standards of pupils’ writing across the school. They scrutinised the standards of writing of these pupils as seen in their writing books from a sample of pupils from each year group from the Reception Year to Year 6
Visit: School website compliance | Date: 18.5.2023 |
Summary: Apart for a few exceptions, the website was compliant with DfE expectations. Have liaised with the deputy head to make amendments as noted above or to be directed to where the information can be located. Amendments have been made to enable information to be even more easily found or to be even clearer for parents and carers. The school appears to publish far more than many schools to try to be as comprehensive as possible. Much of the site goes beyond the expectations of the DfE. |
Visit Purpose: To review the school’s safeguarding policies and procedures (including the Single Central Record) and offer advice on how to enhance these further. | Date: 23rd March 2023 |
Summary: The safeguarding link governor met with the headteacher and quality assured current practices. Policies are up-to-date, in-line with government guidance and tailored to the needs of the children in school. The recording systems in school enable the appropriate staff members to communicate and record concerns and follow-up actions. The link governor made two suggestions to enhance record-keeping even further; these are to be actioned by the headteacher. |
Visit purpose: To discuss with the Head, and to evaluate, pupil performance data and outcomes from the end of summer 2022 | Date: 11th October, 2022 |
Summary: Many excellent outcomes in 2022, with almost all measures well above national figures. Governors again want to recognise and thank school leaders and staff for all their hard work, both during the pandemic and since, in minimising pupils’ loss of learning during national lockdowns. Governors will continue to monitor pupils’ progress and attainment. |
Visit Purpose: To gain a better understanding of the recently rewritten History and Geography curriculum areas
| Date: 22nd June 2021 |
Summary: The new History and Geography curriculum develops pupils’ subject-specific skills and concepts effectively, and prepares them well for further study of these subjects at secondary school.
Visit Purpose: To gain a better understanding of the assessment tools used for screening pupils. | Date: 21st June 2021 |
Summary: The new GL Ready on line testing platform can quickly screen large numbers of pupils to identify those who may have dyslexia by using three short tests. |
Visit Purpose: Attainment and Progress | Date: 20th June 2021 |
Summary: To review, Attainment and Progress Summary- 2021-2022 End of Spring for EYFS.
Visit Purpose: To review data on pupils’ current achievement in light of the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic | Date: 26th May 2021 |
Summary: Teacher assessment data from each year group at the end of Spring Term 2021 in reading, writing and mathematics was compared with pupils’ targets for the end of the school year. In many year groups, pupils have continued to make excellent progress. Teachers are aware of any pupils who are not yet on track to meet their targets. Governors discussed with school leaders where support will be provided to help any pupils who need to make up lost ground.
Visit Purpose: To monitor the budget
| Date: 18th May 2021
Summary: Due to Covid restrictions, this was the first opportunity to have a face to face meeting to review the budget and set a strategic plan for staffing levels.
Visit Purpose: Financial benchmarking | Date: 17th May 2021 |
Summary: Governors compared the school’s expenditure in 2020/21 with that of similar primary schools using government school financial benchmarking data, to ensure the school is obtaining the best value for money.
Visit Purpose: To audit the schools accessibility plan | Date: 24th January 2022 |
Summary: The governing board will undertake an annual Accessibility Audit. The school's Accessibility School Plan shows the findings from the audit that has been used to identify short-, medium- and long-term actions to address specific gaps and improve access