
BerkswichCE Primary School

Achieve, Believe and Care

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Autumn 2


Can you guess which story we will be learning this half term...?


"Little Pigs, Little Pigs, let me in..."


The children will continue to learn the structure of a fairy tale, how to write simple sentences using the correct punctuation (capital letters, finger spaces and full stops), using conjunctions in their sentences and how to use adjectives to describe the characters.






This half term we will be focusing on Subtraction and Addition within 10 and continuing to develop the children's mathematical fluency with numbers within 10. This will entail recognising and accurately using the symbols for addition and subtraction, consolidating understanding of number bonds to 10, using the part-whole model for subtraction and addition, fact families along with introducing the children to a range of mathematical vocabulary associated with addition and subtraction. We will continue to use a variety of representations including, pictures, symbols, concrete manipulatives and objects. The children will be given the opportunity to delve deeper by applying their knowledge in a range of problem solving and investigative scenarios.


Reading and Phonics

Every morning a thirty-minute phonics lesson is taught, following the Little Wandle Revised Letters and Sounds programme.


Reading takes place each week Monday -Wednesday, this is also part of the Little Wandle programme. These reading practice sessions have been designed to focus on three key reading skills:

• decoding

• prosody (reading with meaning and expression)

• comprehension (understanding the text)  



We will be learning all about animals this term. We will discuss how to categorise animals according to their diet and examine the differences between herbivores, carnivores, and omnivores. Many common animals will be named and identified, and they will then be classified as either pets or wild animals. 




Religious Education

Religious Education this half term will focus on religious festivals; their meaning and their importance to believers.  We will look in depth at three festivals from some of the major faiths – Diwali, Purim and Advent.



The children will begin to look at maps of the world and gain an understanding of the location of the United Kingdom.  We will learn about simple compass directions (North, East, South, West) and start to use locational vocabulary when looking at our surroundings.




Personal, Social and Health Education (PSHE)

We are exploring the characteristics and positive impact of friendships as we look at families and relationships. Recognising the importance and qualities of positive friendships, as well as how others express their emotions and how to react to them to start realising the emotions that friendships may cause in us.





Art and Design

Children will experiment with various brush strokes to add texture when creating their landscape and sky as part of our "love for landscapes" topic. In order to create a setting for their landscape paintings, children will also learn how to blend and shade colours.


Design and Technology

We are investigating structures, focusing on stability and rigid structures.


Physical Education

Year One will be studying dance over this half term, and we will be creating our own dances in small groups. This will be related to the story "Giraffes can't dance," in which many animals will be portrayed through the use of small and larger movements. 
