
BerkswichCE Primary School

Achieve, Believe and Care

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Staying Safe and Happy

Year Five enjoyed participating in a live lesson for Safer Internet Day. The engaging lesson focussed on cyber security, highlighting the important ways in which we can protect ourselves from phishing online. Here are Year Five’s top tips:


  1. Look out for spelling mistakes and incorrect grammar.
  2. Be aware of unfamiliar links and email addresses.
  3. If something seems too good to be true then it probably is! Watch out for unexpected prizes or rewards.
  4. Look out for messages that are putting you under pressure and creating a sense of urgency.


As well as this, children learnt about exciting career opportunities linked to technology. Harriet was inspired to become an ethical hacker and said, “I have been inspired to be an ethical hacker because you are able to use your skills to help people stay safe.” Arianna was inspired to become a cyber photographer – another interesting job!
