
BerkswichCE Primary School

Achieve, Believe and Care

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Get into the rhythm! You can't beat it!


Below, you will find some useful sites to help you to develop your musical skills. There are also ideas of activities to try out at home. Enjoy! Please share your home learning in school with your teacher and class: it is always great to find out about your increasing skills. 


Have an idea or a useful website? Please let us know what we could add to these pages. 

Body Percussion Challenge


It's amazing how many sounds you can make with your hands, voice and feet! Can you create a body percussion piece to go with a favourite song? Could you find a way of writing it down in pictures, or in symbols, so that others can try it out? You could choose to make a f rhythm which you could repeat through each chorus. Alternatively, you could change it to suit each verse or section of the song. Feel free to add dance moves too. Remember that silence or stillness can also be part of your rhythm or moves.


Below, there are some videos to give you a little inspiration. There is also a metronome which will keep the beat going whilst you practise. If you would like to send Mrs Joint a short clip of your percussion (no longer than 30 seconds), then please ask your parents to email this to her via ( Remember to ask your parents to add your name and year group. It would be great to share you moves and music with others in school. 

The beat goes on - BBC

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Can you join in to master these rhythms?

Body percussion by Latin Groove Kids

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Can you try out some of these body percussion moves?

Ollie's rhythms

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Join in with Ollie and friends

Ratoh Duek - a children's choir perform

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Look where practising can get you!

Your Tribe - more ideas!

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It's a shame that you can't hear their body percussion very well, but it is a great example of adding simple moves as you make your sounds.