Phoebe in Year Three has been sharing her love of Design and Technology with us; the kits that she has been building have been a great way of exploring mechanisms and design. He love of DT really comes across!
Year Five have been learning all about pulleys in DT ready for their 'Forces' Science unit! After having many opportunities to rehearse with these in school, the children were set a home task of building their own pulley for their own intended use. Mrs Aitken was very impressed with the effort that went into these and with the clearly labelled diagrams that went alongside them! Dragon's Den - watch out!
This is a great example from Evan (Year Two). After a history lesson about the impact of the printing press, Evan was challenged to make a new way of printing. He developed this machine, complete with full instructions - some of these can be seen below. Scroll down to see the amazing results from Evan's printing press!
Stage 1: Get thickish cardboard and two long pieces of string and get a medium size tables and as many pieces of wood for your molds as you need. Get a few drills and carve a pattern or shape.
Stage 2: Pull the string 1 towards you to print on the paper and pull string two towards you once you have printed with string 1 in order to move the paper and then print and move on again.