
BerkswichCE Primary School

Achieve, Believe and Care

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Fitness Challenges


Let’s get Moving! Please have a look at the suggestions below to make sure that you are looking after your fitness and wellbeing whilst being off school. Have fun with it!


There is a link below for 'The Body Coach' who will be doing a live PE fitness session for children and their parents every day at 9am whilst schools are closed. It would be great to know that all of Berkswich CE were doing this together each day! 


What else can you try? There are many suggestions below.

Keep varying what you try so that the exercise stays interesting.

Set yourself daily goals to reach and beat...


  • Take this Disney sports quiz and see which activity it suggests for you! 
  • 10 Minute Shake-up! Change4Life and Disney have teamed up to bring you new Shake Up games inspired by Disney and Pixar's Toy Story 4 and Incredibles 2, and Disney's The Lion King and Frozen. These 10-minute bursts of fun will really get you moving and count towards the 60 active minutes needed every day! 
  • Have a tennis racket at home? Why not rehearse some of the games that you usually play with Mr Proud – you could even teach a family member?
  • Visit to try out one of their sessions.
  • Try out a Go Noodle video. Daft but so much fun! 
  • Become a super mover at - active learning to the max!
  • Choreograph a dance to your favourite song! This is a great way to get your heart pumping and allows you to be creative. If you’re in dance club, you could teach a family member the routine!
  • Just Dance – if you don’t have the game, there are lots available on YouTube with your parent/carers' permission
  • The floor is lava! Put cushions and tea towels on the floor to help you make your way around the room without touching the floor.
  • Musical bumps or statues. The perfect opportunity to revive these favourite party games.
  • Fun circuit training. Draw pictures of different activities and place them around the room – or all over the house. Visit each picture and do the activity – e.g. hop on one leg 10 times, do 10 star jumps, 10 squats, 2 roly-polies, etc.
  • Dodge ball or catch in the garden
  • Have your own family Sports Day! Egg and spoon at the ready…
  • Design your own obstacle course.
  • Hula Hooping!
  • Jump rope – see if you can make your own rhymes to go with it!
  • Animal races: Hop like a bunny or frog; squat and waddle like a duck; and so on.
  • Let your teacher know about any new ideas so that she can add them to this page.
  • Move Crew - This is a fun programme developed with the expertise of teachers, physical activity specialists, elite athletes, children and coaches. Get active with the fun ideas on this website!
Please enjoy these fun, physical activities. They can all be done around the home.