
BerkswichCE Primary School

Achieve, Believe and Care

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Spring 1


A little clue to the story we will be learning this half term...


"Grandmother dear, What big teeth you have....."


The children will continue to learn the structure of a fairy tale, how to write simple sentences  using the correct punctuation (capital letters, finger spaces and full stops), using conjunctions in their sentences and how to use adjectives to describe the characters. 







This half term we will be focusing on Subtraction and Addition within  20 and continuing to develop the children's mathematical fluency with numbers within 20. This will entail recognising and accurately using the symbols for addition and subtraction, consolidating understanding of number bonds to 20, using the part-whole model for subtraction and addition, fact families along with introducing the children to a range of mathematical vocabulary associated with addition and subtraction.  


Reading and Phonics

Phonics is taught every day, using Little Wandle Letters and Sounds.

Phonics activities are engaging, practical and most of all fun! We will continue to consolidate Phase 5 phonemes/ graphemes we have already learnt and also learn some new Phase 5 phonemes/graphemes.

Reading will be delivered in line with the Little Wandle scheme. This involves small groups of children reading three times per week with an adult in class (Monday-Wednesday). Each of the three sessions focusses on different skills; decoding, prosody and comprehension. The books will then be sent home on a Wednesday and to be returned on the following Monday. 


In addition, all children choose a "sharing book" at the end of each week. This should be read to or with your child to foster a love of reading and ensure that they are exposed to a wide range of genres. 





Religious Education

The title of our unit in Religious Education this half term is ‘What Do Muslims Believe?’  We will explore some of the key beliefs, characters and festivals of the Islamic faith.



We will be looking at Everyday Materials and investigating them. We will categorise a range of materials and determine which ones are most appropriate for certain purposes.



Our topic for History is ‘Significant Individuals’ – Year One will be investigating some very important people from history, as well as finding out their impact and legacy on our world today.  We will be learning about Queen Victoria, Martin Luther King Jr. and Queen Elizabeth II.



‘In The Jungle’ is where our art will take us this half term!  After exploring Henri Rousseau’s famous jungle art pieces we will use the skills of collage to create our own multi-layered jungle masterpieces.




Physical Education (PE)

In PE, Year One will be learning some key skills needed in Striking and Fielding games and skills in cricket. We will also be continuing with developing basic fundamental skills.




We will at health and wellbeing this term. We will discuss personal qualities, coping mechanisms to manage our feelings, and the effects of relaxation and sleep on health. We will talk about the importance of hand washing and wearing sun protection, and identifying community members who can help us healthy.  




We will be making movements appropriate to the pulse and tempo of a piece of music; responding to dynamic changes and creating pitches and rhythms.
