
BerkswichCE Primary School

Achieve, Believe and Care

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Parent Information and Tapestry

Parental Involvement

A key part of the Early Years at Berkswich is having whole family involvement to ensure a smooth transition, a well rounded experience and a positive learning environment. This comes in many different forms including, but not limited to;


  • Stay and Plays
  • Family lunches
  • Sharing learning events
  • Learning Together sessions
  • Reading events
  • Invitations to nativities, summer performances and much more
  • Family trips


In the Early Years, we feel it is important that the children see a positive relationship between school and home. We encourage families to take part in events and try to schedule these for working parents to ensure maximum participation.


Communication between Home and School

At Berkswich, we use the communication app 'Tapestry'. This is available for all parents and paid for by the school. Staff will add 'WOW' moments to the child's profile to show their progress throughout Early Years. Families can also add their experiences, so that the teaching staff can see how the children are progressing outside of school. This allows the staff to make well rounded decisions about the children. When you join the school, you will receive information about how to log into and use 'Tapestry'.


In addition to 'Tapestry', we use several other ways to communicate with our Berkswich families.

  • An email and text system used throughout the primary school, to inform parents/carers of events, any issues and other important information.
  • A weekly newsletter with highlights from the week and upcoming events.
  • Our teaching staff are always on the Early Years gate in the morning and afternoon. Teachers will update parents and happily answer any questions here.