
BerkswichCE Primary School

Achieve, Believe and Care

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My World

Our World is changing every single day and at Berkswich we encourage the children to repsect their world as much as they can. Have a look at how they are doing this.


Building Together

As part of learning about old and new houses, Year One and Two got the opportunity to build their own houses. Lovell Property Mananagement came in and showed the children how modern houses are built and how the are safely demolished. 




Gardening Club

Throughout the year, teachers from Berkswich organise the gardening club. Children get the opportunity to participate in all sorts of gardening fun! Planting, weeding, lanscaping and much more! At gardening club, we aim to keep Berkswich Primary School a tidy and beautiful place, for everyone to enjoy.



Comic Relief 2017


This year Berkswich are celebrating Red Nose day on the 27th of March. School council have voted for the theme and every child will get the opportunity to participate in different events.


·         Spa session in the hall.

·         Penalty shoot-out throughout playtime.

·         A red nose treasure hunt.

·         'Cake-bake’ competition.

·         A piñata.

·         A 'comic relief joke session’.


 We love joining in with charity days and this isn't an exception. Photos will follow very soon!


These are online games to help you think about your world. You could even teach your family and friends when your at home.

Genesis 1 : 1 - In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth. 
