Exploring the Baroque Period
We have been taking a look at the great Baroque composers and musicians. as well as the structural and stylistic features of the music that they composed and performed.
Brave and Bold Vocal Improvisation
Our exploration began by learning to identify the difference between recitative sections and arias. Following this, the children improvised a recitative section, demonstrating how they were able to hold a conversation - in this case showing off or arguing - with another. Not only did they have to improvise the words along to a backing track, but also the melody! Year Six bravely became instant opera singers, which turned out to be great fun indeed!
Ground Bass as the Foundation of a Piece of Music
In small groups, the children created their own ground bass, a type of ostinato. This is a short melody that is repeated by the bass section throughout a composition. Although it was used in baroque music, it is commonly used in modern pop music too. It creates the foundation of these songs. Enjoy our versions...