
BerkswichCE Primary School

Achieve, Believe and Care

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Bravo to brass!

Why not try out one of these videos to develop your skills?

WCET Brass Session 1

Learn the basics and take time to repeat the sections of this lesson provided by our school music service, Entrust.

WCET Brass Session 2

Mr Walker is one of the visiting teachers from Entrust. Enjoy trying sections again and again and listen to your improvements.

WCET Brass Session 3

Join Mr Walker from Entrust to gain some expert advice and develop some new skills.

WCET Brass Session 4

Welcome to our fourth YouTube session from one of our teachers, a member of the Entrust Music Team in Stafford.. Enjoy!

WCET Brass Session 5

A few five note pieces to get to grips with.Look how much you have learnt already!

WCET Brass Session 6

Well done for sticking at it! Join in with this next Entrust lesson with Mr Walker.
