
BerkswichCE Primary School

Achieve, Believe and Care

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Participation in the BEBRAS Competition


What is Bebras?

Bebras is an international initiative aiming to promote Computing and computational thinking among school students at all ages. The challenge takes place in school, with homework set to allow time at home to practice. Younger children in school work can work on the challenges in teams as preparation for working individually. There is no pressure put on the children; they thoroughly enjoy the preparation and taking part in the annual event.


What is Computational Thinking?

Computational thinking involves using a set of problem-solving skills and techniques that software engineers use to write programs and apps. The Bebras challenge promotes problem solving skills and Informatics concepts including the ability to break down complex tasks into simpler components, algorithm design, pattern recognition, pattern generalisation and abstraction. We love that there are so many cross-over skills used in other areas that require problem-solving and careful thinking and decision-making.


Research suggests a strong link between computational thinking and the ability to solve problems across other subject areas too. 



What are the tasks?

Everyone can do it. The Bebras challenges are made of a set of short problems called Bebras tasks and are delivered online. The tasks are fun, engaging and based on problems that computer scientists often meet and enjoy solving. The tasks can be solved without prior knowledge, but instead require logical thinking. The aim is to solve as many as you can in the allotted time.


Celebrating Achievements

Please click here, to find out about this the most recent awards and achievements.


Further information

The BBC site provides a useful guide that will help parents to understand what is involved in computational thinking. Visit here to find out. A helpful blog breaks down areas of computational thinking for parents; click here.


Please note: when the children take part in the actual competition, they will have a limited time on each question (enough to answer it, unless they are really stuck); however, they can lose marks if they just guess at an answer. They are best to move on, if they are unable to find a solution. 

Why not have a go at some activities to prepare?


Bebras previous questions

Try out previous challenges for your year group. These can be found by clicking Children can work through the problems on their own and then with you. Discussing the answers helps a child to organise their thinking and focus on what the question is asking, decide what information is needed and then think about ways to figure it out.

This site provides a great way to explore computational thinking through coding. At, parents are able to create an account for their child whereby they can access a series of engaging coding challenges which offer help and suggestions and move at the pace of your child. Click here. There are options that work on mobile phones or tablets too! See smartphone options. Stay involved in their learning your excitement and involvement can help a child to stay motivated and overcome the tricky points that are likely to arise. 
