
BerkswichCE Primary School

Achieve, Believe and Care

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At Berkswich CE, we value science because it is an exciting, inspiring and practical 
subject. Our ambitious curriculum aims to provide children with scientific knowledge and 
understanding through a range of topics and the use of scientific enquiry skills to support 
every child’s development. 

Science stimulates and excites pupil’s curiosity about phenomena whilst satisfying natural 
curiosity with unfolding knowledge. Since science links directly with practical, hands on
experience it can engage learners at many levels. Scientific method is about developing 
and evaluating explanations through experimental evidence and modelling. Through 
science, pupils understand how major scientific ideas contribute toward technological 
change – impacting on industry, medicine, business and improving quality of life. They 
learn to question and discuss science based issues that may affect their own lives, the 
directions of society and the future of the developing world. 
