Applying for a Nursery place
At Berkswich CE Primary, we are unique in the fact that we provide whole day, teacher-led Nursery provision. We warmly welcome children from the age of three. If you are on Instagram, do use the QR code below or click here to take a peek into life in our thriving Nursery; this account is updated regularly, so please feel free to follow us.
All parents receive '15 hours' of funding. There are various ways in which places can be further funded and we accept the '30 hours' free childcare which is an entitlement for most working parents with three and four year old children. Parents can also choose to self-fund additional hours. Further information about funding can be found in the Welcome to Nursery Booklet (see below).
At present, Berkswich CE Nursery is able to admit twenty-four pupils in our morning Nursery sessions and twenty-one pupils in our afternoon sessions. All places should be applied for directly to Berkswich CE following our governor-run Nursery admissions procedures.
Our Nursery admissions process for places in September 2025 opens on Monday 6th January 2025 and closes on Monday 7th April 2025. Parents will be notified of offered places by Friday 11th April 2025. Applications at other times are welcomed and will be considered if places are available. January 2026 places will not be offered until September after the Autumn term 2025 places have been taken.
It is important that parents read our Nursery Admission Policy before applying directly to the school. Please see our Nursery information booklet for a comprehensive guide to places and funding, including the over subscription/subscription criteria. These are available below - scroll down to select the relevant 'star' from the menu.
Our morning Nursery sessions commence at 8:45am and finish at 11:45am. A lunch club is offered for all Nursery children between 11:45am and 12:20pm. Afternoon Nursery sessions run from 12:20pm until 3:20pm. Further wrap-around provision is available from 7:45am until Nursery starts, and from the end of afternoon Nursery, until 5:30pm.
Click here to find out more about our excellent before and after school care club, Cedars. Places are available for those in every year - from Nursery to Year Six.
Transition into our Nursery
We offer an excellent model of transition to our Nursery in order to ensure that children are happy and confident when they start their learning journey at Berkswich CE. There are a number of parent and child sessions available; parents and children are invited into school to take part in sessions during the second part of the Summer Term, prior to the children beginning at Berkswich in the September term. We also offer bespoke transition sessions for those children who may turn three later in the year and join us during the Spring and Summer Terms (mid-year places are often very limited due to high numbers of September applicants).
For further information about funding choices, starting points, admissions criteria or an application form, please click on the star below.