Stuck for something to do? Why not work your way through this list and set yourself daily goals! Don’t forget to visit other pages too, such as ‘Let’s Get Moving’ and ‘Arts and Crafts’.
- Get out in the garden! Plant some pots, help to trim the lawn or get baking some mud cakes! Fresh air is really good for us; it is proven to make us happier, boosts our immune system and cleans our lungs! Being outside in the garden also allows us to have more energy and a sharper mind, so what better way to start the day?
- Make a word-search for your family to have a go at – you can theme it around your favourite T.V show or things around the house. You can draw this on paper or use an online word-search generator. This one is free, but you will need supervision from a parent/guardian: https://wordmint.com/users/sign_up?_puzzle_type=Wordsearch.
- Treasure or Easter Egg hunt around the house or in the garden! Have a go at making your own clues. Get the whole family involved or ask a family member to hide them for you and make it extra tricky to find!
- Have a pet? Spend some time playing with them or see if you can teach them a new trick. Britain’s Got Talent, here you come…
- Popcorn. Duvets. Lights out. Set up your living room or bedroom as the cosiest cinema and watch a film. Make it more interesting by having everyone in the house write their choice of film down on a piece of paper, get one person to hide them around the room and nominate one person to find them. The first one found is the chosen film!
- Story-time – like at school, choose your favourite story, get nice and comfy and read aloud to your family. A lovely chance for everyone to come together and unwind.
- BINGO! Make your own BINGO cards and have the silliest of prizes available! Fun for hours…
- Charades; it doesn’t have to be Christmas to play. Enough said.
- Den building – in or out! Get creative with what you can find, but be sure to ask your parents/guardians for permission first!
- Bake with rations – go back to wartime and get baking with rations. See what it was like back in WW2 to bake with whatever you could find. Here is a recipe for ‘Carrot Cookies’: https://www.bbc.co.uk/cbbc/watch/bp-make-your-own-carrot-cookies?collection=bp-arts-and-crafts
- Make some slime! Endless fun and very therapeutic. Again, be sure to ask for permission as it can get messy…
- A-Z treasure hunt. Who can be the first to find something around the house for each letter of the alphabet?
- Show your appreciation. Write a letter or draw a picture for people who are working tirelessly to keep us safe such as all NHS workers. You could now find time to let a family member know how much you appreciate them through a home-made card.
- Get organised. Time to sort those toys – find old ones that you may have forgotten about or have a clear out! Play some classics or ask the adults in your home what used to be their favourite game. You could personalise a JENGA set to have prizes or forfeits written on each block. You could also tidy your bedroom whilst you’re at it…
- Don’t get board – design your own board game!
- Have a go at a really tricky jigsaw puzzle.
- Write a story and draw pictures to go with it – you could even share it by getting an adult in the house to email it to your teacher!
- Report the news. It can feel very unusual to be off school and many of us haven’t experience something like this before. Why don’t you report your unique days in the style of a news reporter? Again, this is something that your teachers would love to see J
- Experiment with all that new vocabulary learnt at school with a classic game of Scrabble. Whilst you’re off, you could challenge yourself to learn a new word a day – you could teach your family too!
- Learn a new magic trick and put on a show for everyone!
- Design a Collective Worship that we could have when we get back to school.
- TWISTER! Provides laughter and fitness – what more do you need?
- Hide and Seek – never gets old.
- And relax… Hold your own yoga class! Play some relaxing music and guide your family through some breathing techniques. KS2 – see if you can remember what Mrs Aitken or Sarah taught you in their yoga classes.