
BerkswichCE Primary School

Achieve, Believe and Care

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Mr Park's Top Tips

Mr Park visits school each Thursday to practise with some of our violinists. He regularly holds concerns with these musicians to inspire others and to celebrate the progress that the children are making. We are very grateful for his wonderful volunteering: he has even written pieces for the children to play!


What advice do you have for someone starting to learn a new instrument? What do you wish someone had told you?

You have to try to stick and it and practice regularly. This really makes a difference.


Do you have a top tip when practising feels hard stick at?

Try to build up a routine of practicing. Think about how these times fit into your day. It's great when you see time with your instrument as a rest from your other work. 


Did you ever feel like giving up? What stopped you?

To be honest, I've always enjoyed playing and so I've never wanted to stop. 


What does music mean to you? How has it benefited you?

I've been able to bring enjoyment to others through music and I made a career for myself through playing the violin. It's great that there are careers and roles in the future for musicians. It's why I so much enjoy helping children at Berkswich CE to develop their skills too. 
