
BerkswichCE Primary School

Achieve, Believe and Care

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Additional Homework Tasks

Here are some ideas for extra practise at home. They will be helpful for your learning but also lots of fun. 


Read the list of tasks and challenges. There are also helpful websites to look at with your parents. If you find a great website that you would like to add to the list, please let us know.


Activity One

Try riddling. Choose a word (perhaps one of your spellings) and provide two or three clues for a partner or parent to guess what it is. For the word running, for example, you might say: "This word is a fast movement. It has a double “n” in it and you are not supposed to do it in the corridor!"


Activity Two

Design a mnemonic for a word that you find tricky to spell and illustrate it. If you have more than one, then you could create your own mnemonic booklet. 


Activity Three

Invent a new Mr or Little Miss character. Can you write a new story for a younger child?


Activity Four

Alphabet Zoo - can you create an alphabet of animals and use alliteration too?


Angry alligator

Brave bear…


Activity Five

Use ICT (e.g.PowerPoint) to create an information leaflet about a subject that you have studied in school and would like to find out more about. 


Activity Six

Be an apostrophe detective. Look out for apostrophes when you are out and about that have been used incorrectly. Take a photograph and under your photograph can you put it right?


Activity Seven

5678     56 is 7 x 8

“I skate and skate on a slippery floor, 8 x 8 is 64”

Can you think of any other rhymes to help you remember your times tables?


Activity Eight

Design a poster to help you with your English grammar explaining what a noun, verb adjective and adverb are.


Activity Nine

Design your own board game and write the instructions to go with it. What theme will you use? Think about the aim of the game, who the game is designed for and clear instructions.


Activity Ten

Design and write a postcard from your favourite book character, perhaps from Harry Potter, describing his first term at Hogwarts with a picture of the Hogwarts’ Express or a Quidditch match?
