School Uniform
We believe that a school uniform is in the best interest of all pupils. Berkswich parents have always supported the wearing of a uniform, sharing our conviction that it gives a sense of pride and belonging. We aim to encourage children to take a pride in their appearance and actively encourage and appreciate your support in this matter. We would prefer the children to wear the crested uniforms to support in this sense of community. Please see our school uniform policy for further information.
School Uniform Policy
To view our school uniform policy, please click here. Please do not hesitate to speak to the staff in the office if you have further questions.
Ordering School Uniforms
Crested School Wear, who are based in Stafford, supply all items of our uniform. If you wish to order on-line please visit Alternatively, Smart Uniform have an on-line shop, which you can also use ( School can supply ties at a cost of £5.00.
Berkswich School Uniform
Our colour scheme is bottle green for cardigans and jumpers and grey for skirts or trousers. A sensible style of black shoe (no small or high heels) should be worn. Socks may be white or black. A school tie is worn at all times; there are elasticated versions for younger pupils and clip-on ties available. We request that a small bag, such as a small rucksack, is used to ensure that there is space for everyone's kit on classroom coat pegs or in lockers. A traditional, drawstring pump bag is recommended to keep PE kit in.
Changes During the Year
During the Autumn and Spring terms, we have a preference for shirts with an appropriate collar to accommodate a tie. During the Summer term, short sleeved shirts and grey shorts or checked green and white school uniform dresses are acceptable.
Nursery and Reception - Puddle Suits
Children in Nursery and Reception are also required to have a puddle/splash suit in school. This is worn for certain outdoor activities, such as forest school sessions. A padded one is preferable, since this keeps the children warmer when outside. We encourage parents and carers to purchase previously-loved suits; many choose to buy a bigger size so that the suit lasts for the duration of the Early Years. Any unwanted suits at the end of Reception may be donated to school. These will be passed on to new starters or to children who have grown out of their suit during the Early Years.
PE Clothing
In the interest of personal hygiene and for safety reasons, it is essential that children change for PE lessons. The basic kit is: bottle green shorts, a bottle green shirt and KS2 (Y3-Y6) wear a bottle green hoodie. These are available through the school office. All children, including those in Nursery and Reception, require PE kits from the start of each school year in September.
For outdoor activities, older children will require training shoes/football boots and tracksuit bottoms (plain, dark ones without writing or strong colours on them).
Some children will swim during the year and will need a one-piece costume/trunks (shorts and bikinis are not allowed) and a swimming cap for girls and boys with long hair. Parental permission must be given for the use of goggles.
The wearing of jewellery in school is not allowed for health and safety reasons. Children who have pierced ears should only wear unobtrusive studs to school and should be able to remove them themselves for PE lessons. If they cannot do this, then they must not wear them to school on PE days or they will be unable to participate in this lesson. Since PE is a legal requirement, all children should be able to take part. Please bear this in mind if your child is intending to have their ears pierced and try to arrange this at the beginning of the Summer holidays when they can be left in for a sustained period of time.
Good as new
We prefer children to wear crested items if possible. We actively encourage parents and carers to donate uniform items that their child has grown out of. Previously-loved uniform items are regularly on sale for minimal donations. Please contact the office to let them know an item that you require and staff will be able to find out if this is available. Please do consider passing on or donating uniform items when no-longer required. Any donations are used by PTA to fund the children's learning directly.