We have been learning the PANTS rule in PSHE. Who should be allowed to look at what is inside our pants. We know that only our parents/carers or doctors can look at our private parts. We used the P.A.N.T.S acronym to help us learn:
Privates are private
Always remember your body belongs to you
No means no
Talk about secrets that upset you
Speak up, someone can help
Year Three have been looking into keeping safe with medicine. We know we should never take medicine on our own or help ourselves to it - it could be really dangerous! We made some posters to help let others know the importance of medicine safety.
Should you do something just because your friend told you to? NO. We know that even if we see others doing the wrong thing we shouldn't listen. Just because we see other people doing things, we know it isn't always right. We know to trust ourselves and do what we think is right.