
BerkswichCE Primary School

Achieve, Believe and Care

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Berkswich CE Computing Policy

Click on the file below to download our computing policy. Alternatively, scroll down to read an online copy. A paper copy or adapted version is available from the office on request.


Please do feel free to speak to our computing lead or your child's teacher if you would like to discuss any aspect of this policy.

Legal framework

This policy has due regard to statutory guidance, including, but not limited to, the following:

  • DfE (2013) ‘Computing programmes of study: key stages 1 and 2’ (please see The National Curriculum page found via the Learning tab on the school website)
  • DfE (2017) ‘Statutory framework for the early years foundation stage’ (please see the Early Years area found via the Learning tab on the school website)

This policy should be used in conjunction with all school policies, with particular reference to the following:

  • All school Privacy Notices
  • Acceptable Use Agreement
  • On-line Safety and Use of Digital Technology Policy
  • Data and E- Security Breach Prevention and Management Plan and Policy
  • Safeguarding Policy
  • Keeping Children Safe in Education (KCSIE)
  • Safer Working with Children in Schools document.


These may be accessed via the school website (or a paper copy obtained from the school office).


The intent of the computing curriculum

At Berkswich CE Primary, we understand that a high-quality computing education is essential for children to understand modern information and communication technologies (ICT), and for them to use these skills to become competent, confident and creative participants of an increasingly digital world. At Berkswich CE we have, therefore, created a curriculum which focuses on children learning to face new technology with eager confidence, recognising that errors are an inevitable part of the learning process.

At Berkswich, every child is treasured as God’s creation. The aim of our computing curriculum is to also teach children how to use technology safely. We embrace the many possibilities that technology provides and teach this subject in a positive way; however, we recognise the potential risks in terms of online safety and digital device use. Our response is robust: the progressive digital literacy curriculum ensures that children develop a deep knowledge of how to keep safe and make informed, wise choices appropriate to their age. It is imperative at Berkswich that this learning is threaded throughout every year, rather than just through separate events, since we are keenly aware of the vital importance of keeping children safe and also preparing them to be kind, safe and responsible community members now and in the future.

Our computing planning is cumulative; there is a coherent progression of interconnected knowledge and opportunities to build practical skills which purposefully drive forward each child’s computational thinking and abilities. It is ambitious for all groups, including SEND children, who are supported and challenged to provide an equitable curriculum. Greater depth opportunities are available for every learner, and these reflect our high expectations for every child; indeed, challenge is relished in computing, providing opportunities for children to be tenacious, build independence and express their own creativity and problem-solving skills.

Our school values are seen throughout our computing. In particular, children persevere through stimulating lessons, seeing the rewards of their grit and willingness to embrace failure as part of the learning process. Children do not give up; rather, they learn to be resourceful and seek ways to overcome barriers and challenges, relishing these on the way to success.

We aim to ensure that all of our children become digitally literate and able to make informed choices in a digital world. The use of technology is now essential in many aspects of life and children need to be equipped with the knowledge and skills to embrace emerging technology and to use it confidently and efficiently. We aim to inspire pupils to continue to learn and apply the skills they learn at Berkswich CE into secondary school and beyond into the workplace and home. We intend to lay the foundations for children to be able to create content, express themselves, communicate effectively, develop ideas and become highly competent and adaptable computer users in an ever-changing world.


The implementation of the computing curriculum


  • Meeting the aims of the national curriculum

Berkswich CE delivers a rich, broad and balanced computing curriculum, in line with national requirements, which aims to enable pupils to:

  • understand and apply the fundamental principles and concepts of computer science, including abstraction, logic, algorithms and data representation (computer science)
  • analyse problems in computational terms, and have repeated practical experience of writing computer programs in order to solve such problems (computer science)
  • evaluate and apply information technology, including new or unfamiliar technologies, analytically to solve problems (information technology)
  • become responsible, competent, confident and creative users of information and communication technology (digital literacy)


  • Computing in the Early Years (EYFS)

At Berkswich CE, we feel that it is important for Nursery and Reception children to be given a range of opportunities to explore technology. This exploration of technology and exposure to vocabulary ensures that children leave Reception with a strong foundation of knowledge, ready to access the Key Stage One curriculum. Research indicates the benefit of a purposeful use of technology in EYFS can be of benefit to the children’s learning; this can add up to four additional months of learning over the year (ref:

Children in Nursery and Reception acquire skills in technology through, for example:

  • taking a photograph with a camera or tablet
  • searching for information on the internet
  • using a voice recorder
  • following and giving instructions
  • solving problems
  • playing games on the interactive whiteboard
  • exploring an old typewriter or other mechanical toys
  • using a Beebot
  • watching or recording a video clip
  • listening to music on a device


Online safety is an integral part of our Early Year's curriculum at Berkswich CE. Through stories, songs and poems, we teach the children how to be safe on line, using age appropriate examples and vocabulary. 


Whilst there are no specific Early Learning Goals for technology since the revised EYFS Framework came out in 2021, the skills and knowledge acquired through taking part in computing lessons provide the children with valuable opportunities to flourish in all seven areas of learning. Although there are links to all seven areas of learning, the following areas are which are most pertinent to the children’s computing in EYFS:

  • Mathematics
  • Physical development
  • Communication, Language and Understanding  

Exploring technology within the Early Years encourages children to develop their Characteristics of Effective Learning, which is an integral part of the EYFS framework. Children are encouraged to use technology to explore functions, be creative and solve problems. All of these skills are incorporated within the Characteristics of Effective Learning section within the EYFS Framework and are commented on during assessments made throughout the year. Technology provides purposeful contexts for the children to demonstrate their Characteristics of Effective Learning. 


  • Pupils will be taught in Key Stage One to:


  • understand what algorithms are; how they are implemented as programs on digital devices; and that programs execute by following precise and unambiguous instructions
  • create and debug simple programs
  • use logical reasoning to predict the behaviour of simple programs
  • use technology purposefully to create, organise, store, manipulate and retrieve digital content
  • recognise common uses of information technology beyond school
  • use technology safely and respectfully, keeping personal information private; identify where to go for help and support they have concerns about content or contact on the internet or other online technologies. 


  • Pupils will be taught in Key Stage Two to:


  • understand what algorithms are; how they are implemented as programs on digital devices; and that programs execute by following precise and unambiguous instructions
  • create and debug simple programs
  • use logical reasoning to predict the behaviour of simple programs
  • use technology purposefully to create, organise, store, manipulate and retrieve digital content
  • recognise common uses of information technology beyond school
  • use technology safely and respectfully, keeping personal information private; identify where to go for help and support when they have concerns about content or contact on the internet or other online technologies. 

Please see the computer section on the school website (Computing at Berkswich CE) to view our more detailed and term-by-term school overview grids. In this area are: the half-termly unit summary grids for each year group, the overview of whole school digital literacy/online safety coverage and the phased curriculum objectives for each year group. Your child’s class teacher will help to answer any questions about lesson content and coverage.


  • Computing: discrete lessons and across the curriculum

Discrete lessons take place weekly to ensure that computing objectives are the main focus of study. Further opportunities are provided to enrich the curriculum and provide additional time for our school emphasis on Digital literacy and the need for a safe use of technology. Computing has deep links with mathematics, science and design and technology, and as such, our computing curriculum extends beyond the discrete computing lessons and is used to enhance learning in many other curriculum areas. Please visit our school website to view examples of this across school.


  • Online safety

We have adopted the ‘Education for a Connected World’ devised and updated by the IK Council for Internet Safety; this is a framework to equip children and young people for digital life. As children grow older, it is crucial that they learn to balance the benefits offered by technology with a critical awareness of their own and other’s online behaviour and develop effective strategies for staying safe and making a positive contribution online. The framework works across all year groups and describes the knowledge, understanding and skills that children and young people should have the opportunity to develop. The safety aspect of learning is woven into our computing and PSHE curriculum as well as other curriculum areas when relevant and it is effective to do so.

The objectives are split into eight strands. Please visit our website to view the whole school progression of objectives.

Articles, links, information and children’s learning are added regularly to our school newsletter to support families in their safe use of technology.


  • Teacher subject knowledge

In order to support teacher knowledge and to ensure that our curriculum is in line with developments in this subject, we primarily draw from Teach Computing from the National Centre for Computing Education (NCCE) funded by the DfE for Key Stage Two. After examining curriculum support offered by a number of providers, we selected and adapted their curriculum content, since it provided additional teacher CPD which promotes self-learning by teachers; it also sign-posts to appropriate learning for all units of study. The support materials that have been chosen ensure that teachers have full access to expertise when planning; these maintain the integrity of the computing curriculum. Support for EYFS planning and subject knowledge is carefully selected from provider who are in tune with the demands of the new EYFS framework.

Auditing staff skills and confidence annually guides the computing lead in providing relevant CPD and encouraging self-learning. This enables teachers to be equipped with the necessary subject knowledge and practical skills. The computing lead is always available to offer guidance, support and advice as necessary. The school’s technician ably supports teachers with both practical and theory-based help as necessary.


  • Learning sequence and repetition

Teachers know their children’s prior learning, and are mindful of their own end points in relation to the expectations contained in subsequent years.

To ensure that pupils embed key concepts in the long-term memory, learning related to these are repeated within each year and throughout every year group:

  • Computer Systems and Networks
  • Digital Literacy
  • Algorithms and Programming
  • Data and Information,
  • Use, Design and Development of Technology and tools
  • Impact of Technology

This repetitive approach means that children have opportunities to revisit, apply and extend what they have already covered to ensure that learning is both cumulative and permanent. We believe that this is the best way for children to develop the knowledge and skills needed for mastery of a subject.

Please see the school website (Computing at Berkswich CE) to view our summaries of learning for each discrete unit and for the breakdown of each of the concepts over each phase of learning.


  • Pedagogy

Teachers follow the research-based approaches outlined by the National Centre for Teaching Computing:

Please see pdf link above to view extracts.

(Ref: National Centre for Teaching Computing, Teaching Guide Pages 14-15)


Tinkering may be used to introduce or develop knowledge of a new app, device, programme or tool, giving the children opportunity to experiment and familiarise themselves with the different elements and tools before the gained fluency can be applied in a more focused approach.


  • The language of computing

Teachers have high expectations of children to use discussion to further learning. Children are increasingly expected to give precise explanations, using technical and specialist terminology appropriately. Teachers model this practice, using the correct language within all learning. A glossary of computing and technology terms is provided on our website for teaching staff, parents, carers and children (click here).



  • SEND

We are ambitious for all children. Teachers will adapt lessons to ensure access for all and to provide tailored support for individuals with SEND. Examples of adaptations can be seen in blue on teachers’ planning. The SEND and computing leads are available to guide and support teachers in ensuring that all children are well-supported and challenged.


  • Equal opportunities

All children will have equal access to the computing curriculum. Gender, learning ability, physical ability, ethnicity, linguistic ability and/or cultural circumstances will not impede pupils from accessing computing lessons.


  • Diversity

There continues to be a lack of diversity in the work force in the area of computing. The Office of National Statistics (ONS) Labour Force Survey (2019) found that the women working in UK technology accounted for 17% of IT specialists, a figure which has only grown by 1% over the past five years. In the same year, black, Asian and minority ethnic (BAME) IT specialists in the UK accounted for 18% of IT workers, a number that has increased by 2% over the past five years from 16% in 2015. Around 8% of IT specialists are of Indian ethnicity, 2% from a black, African, Caribbean or black British background, and 2% from Pakistani or Bangladeshi backgrounds.

In response to this, teachers are mindful in their planning to provide the children with examples of strong leaders in this field from the groups who are not as well represented in industry. Teachers will be mindful about representing children equally in school; for example, representing all groups of children in the recording of the children’s learning on the school website.


  • School values across the curriculum

Our school values – compassion, inclusivity, being a team player, responsibility, persistence and respect – are upheld through the teaching and learning of computing. In particular, there are objectives linked to the value of persistence, which reflect an important school drive to support the children’s increasing resilience.  


  • Cultural capital

We recognise the importance of computing in this increasingly digital world, and the impact of this on future carer choices and the country’s economy; we raise the expectations and ambitions of our children in different ways, including:

  • involvement in STEM provision which connects with industry.
  • visits from high-school teachers, parents and members of the wider community who have a particular investment in the subject.
  • the opportunity to develop their programming and coding skills through our Coding Club, where they are provided with the opportunity to gain Lego Awards
  • learning which allows children to grow in awareness of future studies and roles which are firmly rooted in computing.
  • opportunities to achieve Microsoft Office Accreditations


Please see the school website (Computing at Berkswich CE) to view our school overview of wider experiences.


  • Greater Depth

Berkswich CE is ambitious for all pupils; challenge is a part of every child’s learning. We provide Greater Depth pupils with the opportunity to extend their computing thinking through planned opportunities to broaden and apply their learning within contexts of increasing complexity. Greater Depth pupils also benefit from providing peer support and having to problem-solve and articulate their own understanding in order to encourage learning in others.


  • Recording

Children’s outcomes and progression are recorded on the school website (Computing at Berkswich CE). Each cohort is represented on the website, demonstrating progression within each year and over the children’s journey through school. This method of recording was chosen to maximise the children’s learning time and their direct experiences with technology.


Roles and responsibilities


  • Governors

Berkswich CE Primary has a designated link governor who meets with the computing lead at least once a year to find out about:

    • progress towards whole school improvement priorities
    • the school’s systems for planning units, supporting staff and monitoring progress
    • the allocation, use and adequacy of resources
    • the attainment and progress of all children
    • the children’s experiences of computing and attitudes towards the subject


The curriculum governor will report back to the governing board.


  • The headteacher

Overall responsibility for monitoring the teaching and assessment of computing throughout the school lies with the headteacher who will support the subject lead in continuing to develop:

  • how computing should support, enrich and extend the curriculum
  • the provision and allocation of resources
  • assessment

The headteacher will also be responsible for overseeing the review of this policy with the subject leader.


  • The computing lead

The subject leader is responsible for:

  • modelling best practice
  • preparing and reviewing policy documents, curriculum overviews and progressions for the subject which support the challenging demands of the national curriculum, the school’s curriculum intent and drivers, as well as the Berkswich CE Charter.
  • ensuring the continuity and progression from year group to year group and that learning is cumulative and ambitious.
  • keeping abreast of current thinking, research and policy changes which impact computing in school and helping to develop colleagues’ expertise in the subject by leading staff training and providing staff members with the appropriate professional development
  • liaising with the high school computing lead to ensure that provision is also tailored to the children’s needs when they move to their next school setting.
  • liaising with the named governor to report on progress and attainment in computing
  • monitoring the learning and teaching of computing, providing timely support for staff where necessary and ensuring that learning time is maximised.
  • carrying out audits of all computing-related resources and organising their effective deployment and the purchase of additional resources as necessary.  
  • advising on the contribution of computing to other curriculum areas, including cross-curricular and extra-curricular activities.
  • ensuring common standards are met for assessing children’s attainment and progress.
  • collating assessment data and setting new priorities for the development of computing in subsequent years.



  • Responsibilities of the teacher

The classroom teacher, in collaboration with the subject leader, will ensure that the needs of all children are met by:

  • acting in accordance with this policy.
  • instilling a love of the subject and the confidence in each child.
  • being ambitious for every learner, including SEND and other vulnerable groups.
  • aiming to develop technical proficiency and conceptual understanding in parallel.
  • taking responsibility to strengthen subject knowledge and seek support as necessary.
  • having a working understanding of the prior learning of children and the needs of subsequent years.
  • writing and constantly reviewing short-term plans, taking into account pupils’ needs and outcomes.
  • ensuring that planning is progressive and cumulative over the year and that it meets the wider curriculum intent for Berkswich CE.
  • providing opportunities for repetition to build long-term knowledge and skills.
  • guiding teaching assistants to ensure that pupils are effectively supported.
  • monitoring the progress of pupils in their class, assessing children throughout the year and formally through OTrack at the end of each term, and reporting outcomes on an annual basis to parents and carers.
  • reporting any concerns regarding the teaching of the subject to the subject leader or a member of the senior leadership team.



  • Responsibilities of The Special Educational Needs and Disabilities Coordinator (SENDCo)

The SENDCo is responsible for:

  • advising staff how best to support pupils’ needs.
  • organising and providing any necessary training for staff regarding the computing curriculum for pupils with special educational needs and disabilities (SEND).
  • advising staff on the inclusion of computing objectives in pupils’ individual education plans as necessary.
  • advising staff on the use of teaching assistants in order to meet pupils’ needs.
  • monitoring assessments to support teachers as necessary.



The impact of our computing curriculum


  • Assessment

Computing may be used to support retrieval practice and self-quizzing to increase the retention of key ideas and knowledge, based on the recommendations from the Education Endowment Foundation (ref: EEF Recommendation 3)

Throughout the year, teachers will plan on-going assessment opportunities in order to gauge whether pupils have achieved the key learning objectives. Teachers constantly assess the children’s understanding and correct misunderstandings. Teachers are responsive and alter planning accordingly to help children embed and use knowledge fluently and to develop interconnected understanding (rather than memorise isolated facts within a unit).  Formative assessment, which is carried out throughout the year, enables teachers to identify pupils’ understanding of subjects and inform their immediate lesson planning.

Summative assessments will also be used at the end of a unit. Teachers will make judgements about the learning of each pupil in relation to the school’s progression grid (linked directly with the National Curriculum). The outcomes of which will be recorded using OTrack (used by school to analyse and act on attainment and progress) and used to inform future planning.

The progress and development of pupils within the EYFS is assessed against the early learning goals outlined in the ‘Statutory framework for the early years foundation stage’. For further information about assessment in EYFS, please visit our Early Years area found via the Learning tab on our school website.

Assessment may be undertaken in various forms, including the following:

  • Talking to children and asking questions
  • Discussing children’s work with them
  • Assessing children’s written outcomes against the learning objectives
  • Children’s self-evaluation of their work
  • End of unit assessment tasks

Parents and carers will be informed about their child’s attainment in computing during the Summer term every year. This will include information on pupils’ attitudes towards the subject. Verbal reports can be provided during informal meetings with parents and carers throughout the year. The progress of children with SEND will be monitored by the SENDCo.


  • Where are we headed?

By the time children leave our school; they will be responsible, competent, confident and creative participants of an increasingly digital world.

This will be evident in our children through:

  • an eagerness to take part in computing
  • an understanding of how to design, write and debug programs.
  • being able to explain how some simple algorithms work, and how they can detect and correct errors.
  • an understanding of computer networks, how they can provide multiple services, and the opportunities they offer for communication and collaboration.
  • an understanding of how to select, use and combine a variety of software on a range of devices to design and create programs, systems and content that accomplish specific goals.
  • using technology safely, respectfully and responsibly, recognise acceptable behaviour and identify a range of ways to report online concerns.


Policy Review

The computing policy is reviewed tri-annually or as soon as required by changes within school or in the guidance received by school. A named member of the governing body is briefed to oversee the teaching of computing, and meets with the subject leader to review progress. Any changes made to this policy will be communicated to all teaching staff.

