
BerkswichCE Primary School

Achieve, Believe and Care

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Celebrating Our Learning - May

Evie enjoyed den building with her brother. It looks like you had lots of fun!


Emma has been trying BBC Bitesize to make a change from Oak Academy. Well done, Emma




Ruby has been really busy making some choux swans from the bake off - they look delicious! Sewing as well, Ruby! Well done.






Beth has been learning about the environment and she made the sea in a bottle with fish and plastic in it.




Riley has come up with a wonderful system of making sure that he completes his learning for each day.


Poppy has been busy writing a diary entry.

Dear Mrs Ennis , This is my diary entry. My Mum asked me to do a Diary entry on the day before we went on lock down ,I hope you enjoy it.

Dear Diary,

Today was probably the last day of Y4 ,because of lock down shmok down ,sorry if that sounded rude but it is really boring . Anyway lets get back to the story,It was really cool,that morning I got up early I got dressed and went down stairs to Max[my little brother]and my Dad fighting because Max would not have his breakfast . For breakfast I had some multigrain shapes and my brother had shredies .After that, we got in the car and took Max to Nursery and then me to school .At school we did 2 lessons and then we went out on the field and played rounders and all other different games .After school we went on a walk around shoughbrough estate and went to the wimpy by the barley mow . It truly was a great day.


Scarlett has been learning about Stonehenge. 





Eva has been playing the cornet for the Thursday night clap each week. She even inspired her music teacher, Mr Walker, to play his instrument last week too!! 


An informative poster, Frankie. Well done.


Beth has been studying Egyptian history and created a Tutankhamun mask.


Evie has been enjoying some learning with her brother. What a fabulous model!


Eva has been using her D&T skills using meccano.


Codie has been enjoying painting stones. It looks great fun, Codie!



Emma has been getting back to normal activities (brownies and ballet) with a difference!



It's nice to see Charlie enjoying his school learning with science. The children were looking at density of liquids and the effects of oil and water.


Emma has followed an online art class after seeing Sophia's beautiful paintings. Well done, Emma. This is fantastic. I wonder if your picture will inspire someone else.


Kitty drew this amazing picture of Iron Man for her brother. I hope he has a lovely birthday!

Emma enjoyed a beat box lesson on the Oak Academy website - well done!
